CSD Community,
Our reopening subcommittees are meeting often and covering a lot of ground in the areas of academics and curriculum, remote learning, transportation, food service, facilities, health and safety, technology, special education, social and emotional supports, and human resources.
While we still have a lot of details to sort, we will be providing our families and staff with several pieces of important information this week and next. It is hard to capture the number of decisions, tasks, and follow-up required to implement the recommendations set out in the Vermont Agency of Education’s guidance. Please know we are working around the clock to get you information as soon as it’s finalized.
Our plan is being designed with the health and safety of our students and employees as a top priority and based on public health information available at the time. To that end, the following is a snapshot of some of the protocols we’re putting in place to protect the health and safety of our students, staff, and families as we prepare for the reopening of our school buildings. There will be more to come as decisions are made.
Arrival and Transportation
- Before entering our school buildings, all students and staff will complete a daily health check which will include having their temperature taken and answering a few questions about COVID-19 symptoms and exposure. Students who are riding the bus will be asked the health check questions and have their temperatures taken as they board the bus. Any individuals determined to have a fever will be sent home immediately. Parents/caregivers must plan for this scenario and be available to pick up their child if required.
- We are encouraging families who can transport their children to do so. This will allow for better distancing on the bus for those families who rely on district transportation. We are evaluating the traffic flow at all of our buildings to better handle the increased car traffic.
- Students riding the bus will be required to wear a facial covering. They will use hand sanitizer before boarding and will be assigned a seat. All buses will be cleaned and disinfected before and after every route.
- To protect students’ safety and provide for more orderly temperature taking, students will enter and exit each building through assigned entry points.
Facial Coverings and Distancing
- The AOE is requiring all students, staff, and visitors to wear facial coverings (masks). We recommend that families use this summer to try out some different styles of facial coverings so they can begin to identify which works best for their child. Our district will work to provide masks for those who cannot purchase their own.
- There will not be any indoor assemblies that bring together students in a large group.
- Individually-packed student meals will be served in classrooms.
- Classroom seating will be adapted to accommodate physical distancing to the best extent possible.
Visitors and Field Trips
- We are limiting the number of visitors into our buildings, so we will not be allowing classroom volunteers or visitors.
- There will be no field trips.
Hygiene and Cleaning
- Students and staff will be frequently reminded about the importance of proper handwashing. We will place hand sanitizer units throughout our buildings and ensure all of our bathrooms are properly stocked with soap and towels. Signage will be placed throughout the buildings to reinforce good hygiene practices.
- The entire building will undergo enhanced cleaning and disinfection on a regular basis. Frequently-touched surfaces will be cleaned often.
Public Use of School Buildings
- All school buildings will be open to employees, students, and essential vendors ONLY. The buildings will remain closed to the public. (The primary election on August 11 will be an exception.)
- The public may use exterior school grounds and there will be outdoor recess space for students but the playgrounds will remain closed.
Thank you for your patience as we work to get you answers to your questions. Expect to hear from us soon with more information. In the meantime, I hope you’re able to beat the heat and enjoy the second half of our summer break.
Amy Minor
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