Thursday, August 31, 2017

2nd Day of 2nd Grade!

We had another wonderful day in 2nd grade.  This morning Ms. Brady came in and together we explained how math in 2nd grade is a little different because every other day students will have two teachers for math (Ms.Brady and me)!  Co-teaching is something I (along with Ms. Brady and Ms.
Warren) am incredibly passionate about. We are excited to embark on our 2nd year of co-teaching math together! More information regarding co-teaching will be coming out in the weekly newsletter.

During Reading Workshop today we talked about how we all have different reading tastes, just like we all have different food tastes.  During the active engagement part of the mini-lesson students shared their reading tastes.  Below are some of the reading tastes we have in Room 6.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Day

What a wonderful first day of 2nd grade we had in Room 6. We spent lots of time catching up with old friends and making new friends. We are learning about how we can be 2nd grade leaders at PPS. We spent some time brainstorming our classroom expectations. We also went on a Scavenger Hunt during Reading Workshop. Students really enjoyed the read aloud, First Day Jitters, and we ended our day working on our, “All About Me Tees”. The highlight of the day was the photo booth! A slideshow from all of today’s activity is below. If you haven’t had a chance to complete your child’s Student Information / Hopes and Dreams sheet you can do so by clicking here.

Click here to watch today's video.