Our free Parent Forum on mindfulness is scheduled for tonight at 6:00 p.m. Jaycie Puttlitz is planning to show the group how to incorporate mindfulness with kids of different ages and stages. If you are planning to attend, please call the school (264-5920) or register online at our website ASAP: www.csdvt.org/pps
The deadline for making Spaghetti Supper reservations is tomorrow! Please plan to attend this fun event that brings families together to enjoy good food and company. Proceeds from the event go to Project Inside Out. To make a reservation, send the reservation form in with your child tomorrow, call the school, or use the link for reservations on our website: www.csdvt.org/pps
The PPS musical "Too Much Noise!" is coming up very soon - February 11 and 12, 2015. Our class is on Thursday, February 12th.
If you have questions, please contact our music teacher, Mrs. Mutz, by email: mutzm@csdvt.org
For help with any of the above, call our main office at 264-5920.
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