Last Wednesday we had a guest teacher in 2nd grade. Ms. Stephanie Larkin from ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain came in and taught our class about the Lake Champlain Basin by bringing in a replica of the Lake Champlain Basin. Together we discussed what pollutants are around the lake such as fertilizer, dog waste, oil leaking from cars, manure, sand/dirt, etc. We polluted the replica with different food items (sprinkles for the dog waste, cinnamon for dirt, etc.). After our replica was all polluted it rained! Students were amazed as to how the fertilizer from a farm runs down the mountain, into a stream and then into the lake, along with many other pollutants. By the end of the demonstration the lake was rather dirty. Students learned that what we do at home and in the community has an impact on Lake Champlain. Check out our blog for photographs from the presentation.
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