Friday, February 17, 2017

Update for the Week 2.17

We have had a very exciting and busy week in room 6! We had two celebrations (and parties this week) -- students shared their kindness towards their classmates on Tuesday, Valentine's Day. To show their kindness each student wrote a compliment card to each of their classmates. Students realized that the compliment cards were very meaningful and put a lot of smiles on faces.
On Thursday, we also celebrated Sullie's 8th birthday!

In math we worked on adding two 2-digit numbers. Students practiced this skill by using the tens and ones strategy. On Thursday and Friday students worked on exchanged a (long) one group of ten for ten ones. The problem we focused on was 53 - 28. Today in math we continued to show our thinking around this skill, check out our great thinking on Seesaw!

In Word Work we practiced adding -es and -est to the end of a word. In addition, we practiced how a word goes from singular to plural by adding "s" or "es".

Lastly, we had a wonderful Mystery Skype with Tennessee! We learned that the classroom we skyped with in Tennessee is very close to Memphis. In addition, we learned that Tennessee is a very long state and it can take up to 8 hours to travel from one end of Tennessee to the other. The last fun fact we learned was how snow very rarely falls in Tennessee. A week ago less than an inch of snow fell in Tennessee and the entire town was shut down! Below are some photographs from our week.

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