Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Character Introduction

Today was our first character mini-lesson.  We began the unit by reviewing the different story elements (character, setting, plot, problem and solution) we learned in our previous unit.  We then discussed how over the next few weeks we are going to take a closer look at characters.  Before we begin learning about characters, we have to know who characters are. In this lesson students learned that characters are all around them, they are in the books that they ready and in the shows that they watch.  Students then turned and talk with their partner about different characters that they know in their lives.  After turning and talking students shared out (student thinking is below).  In addition, students talked with their partner about what they already know about characters and how we can learn more about characters. For example, I shared that I know some characters talk and some don't talk (student thinking is below).  Our next mini-lesson will focus on brainstorming different character traits! 

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