Monday, September 12, 2016

Number Grid Game

Today in math we explored the number grid (100's chart).  Students discussed with a partner what they noticed about the grid.  As a class we discussed the following about the number grid:

- When you go across the number grid the number in the ones place changes but the number in the tens place stays the same.

- When you go down the number grid the number in the tens place changes but the number in the ones place stays the same.

We also learned how to count forwards and backwards on the number grid by 1's and 10's.  As a class we created a number grid from 0-1,000 with Ms. LaRose.  Ms.Brady taught students how to play a new exciting game called The
 Number Grid 
game.  Templates for The Number Grid game are coming home with students today.  The directions for the game are below.

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