Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wonder of the Week: Why Do We Have Homework?

Why do we have homework?
  • I think we have homework because it helps us get better at the skills we are learning in school. - Addie
  • I think we have homework because if we learn something at school then we get to practice it for homework. - Charlie
  • I think we have homework because we can skip a grade if we work really hard. - Holden
  • I think we have homework so we can learn and practice more things than we learned in school because we would have to stay in school even longer if we didn’t have homework. - Devin
  • I think we have homework because the things that you learn in school are repeated on your homework and you can be better at it when you do your tests. - Rylee

What are the benefits of homework?
  • I think one of the benefits of homework is it helps you get better at what you failed at at the beginning of the day. - Leah
  • I think one of the benefits of homework is that it teaches you more of what you learned in school that day. - Amani
  • I think one of the benefits of homework is to help you move on to the next grade in school. - Addison

Is there such a thing as too much homework?

  • I think there is not such a thing as too much homework! The more the better! - Sam
  • I think there is such a thing as too much homework because if you have too much homework you might not be able to do the stuff you wanted to do when you get home and you might not be able to eat dinner! - Nick

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