I think leprechauns are real because their would never be a word leprechauns if they were not real. (Spencer)
I think that leprechauns are real because sometimes you can get things from them, and sometimes you can't. (Iris)
I think that leprechauns are not real because when Miss LaRose gave us the information it said that they were mythical, and Mythical means not real. (Dana)
I think that leprechauns are real because if leprechauns were not real there would not be a holiday called St. Patrick's Day. (Nadja)
I think that leprechauns are real because sometimes when I wake up on St. Patrick's Day things are gone! (Caitlin)
I think I leprechauns are real because they move stuff in my house and horse around. (Luke)
I think that leprechauns are real because there's a bunch of stuff about them and that is why I think they are real. (Roma)
I think leprechauns are real because in my world record book it said that there was the largest gathering of leprechauns. (Xander)
I think leprechauns a real because green is special. (Peyton)
I think that leprechauns are not real because at the end of the rainbow it ends in water and not a pot of gold. (Hunter)
I learned...
I believe in Leprechauns, I think they exist if you believe. - Nathan M.
I learned that leprechauns are mischievous and like to play tricks. - Hailey R.
I learned that if you catch a leprechaun they grant you three wishes. - Caitlin
I learned that when you look away leprechauns disappear because they are speedy quicky. They are zippy - Ryan
I learned that leprechauns are shoemakers. - Spencer
I learned that leprechauns are as smalls as a little child and can sit on your shoulder. - Jayden
I learned that leprechauns are known to be practical jokers who love to play tricks on humans. Dana
I learned that leprechauns make shoes and then put gold in their shoes. - Josh L
I think that if you don’t wear green on Saint Patricks Day leprechauns will bite you and trick you. -Xander
I learned that if you catch a leprechaun they will grant you three wishes. - Kaden
I learned that leprechauns can be musicians. - Gwenyth
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