Sunday, January 5, 2014

Incorporating Technology into Project Block

Last week students had a special activity during the “Project Block” section of our day!  Students were broken up into the same groups that were used for our ‘My Healthy Plate’ videos. The groups will switch classrooms to finish the activity this week.

Ms. Warren’s special activity incorporated the 2013 Year in Pictures article from Time for Kids.  With a partner, students read the Time for Kids article and highlighted what they believed to be the most important or interesting events of 2013.  Partnerships then used the PicCollage app to make a collage of these events.  In addition, students explained what each event was on their collage.  Students then learned how to save their collage to the camera roll on the iPad, and how to upload their picture (collage) from the camera roll onto their blog.  Be sure to check your child’s blog for their PicCollage post.

Ms. LaRose’s special activity incorporated the Coolest Inventions of 2013 article from Time for Kids.  With their partner students read the Time for Kids article and highlighted what they believed were the coolest inventions of 2013.  Once students selected 3 inventions, they used a storyboard to map out why they chose the inventions and important information about the invention.  Partnerships then recorded their ideas using the Audioboo app.  Once students completed their Audioboo they saved their work to the classroom Audioboo account and logged into a computer.  Next, students went to a computer and found their Audioboo and copied the  embed code.  Finally, students copied the code and pasted the embed code into their new blog post.  Be sure to check out your child’s blog for their Audioboo recording!

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