Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Do You Say "Trick or Treat"?!?

Why Do You Say " Trick or Treat" Wonder 393

If there are ghosts, goblins, witches, astronauts, cartoon characters and a wild variety of oddly dressed creatures visiting your door asking for candy, chances are it’s Halloween. Before you shell out the sweets, most of these visitors probably shout “trick or treat!” But why do they do that?

I think we say "trick or treat" because....

I think we say "trick or treat" because you might want the person at the door to do a trick or give you a treat. (Xander)

I think we say "trick or treat" because it's not polite to say "give me candy!" (Caitlin)

I think we say "trick or treat" because you need to play a trick if the person doesn't have candy.  (Spencer)

I think we say "trick or treat" because if you walk up to a door and if you don't say "trick or treat" the people won't know why you are there.  (Hunter)

I think we say "trick or treat" because if you are at the door and the person doesn't know what you are there for they won't give you a treat.  (Ilona)

When I go "trick or treating" I usually get....

When I go "trick or treating" I usually get a lollipops.  (Nathan)

When I go "trick or treating" I usually get Tootsie-Rolls.  (Dana)

When I go "trick or treating" I usually get Twizzlers.  (Iris)

When I go "trick or treating" I usually get Twix.  (Talan)

Now I know... 

Now I know "trick or treat" means if someone doesn't give you a treat (candy) then the kids gets to play a trick.  (Connor)

Now I know "treat or treat" means if someone gives you candy you can't play a trick.  (Luke) 

I learned....

I learned that Trick or Treat starting in Canada and then moved to North America.  (Talan) 

I learned that "trick or treating" started in the 19th century.  (Dana)

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