Sunday, February 3, 2019

World Read Aloud Day

We had a wonderful World Read Aloud Day in Room 6.  We started our day by buddying up with
Mrs. Geibel’s first grade.  Mrs. Geibel’s class came to our classroom and each student buddied up
with a first grade student and read their favorite book aloud to them.  We then went on a “field trip”
to Mrs. Geibel’s room. Students stayed with their buddy and their buddy read their favorite book
aloud to them.

In the afternoon we visited Ms. Silverberg’s first grade. Students received a buddy and read with
the buddy for 15 minutes.  After the 15 minutes each student received a bookmark and decorated
the bookmark.

To end our day we Skyped with author Lori Degman.  Lori read her new book to us Just Read which will be released next month.  Students were then able to ask Lori questions.  This was an incredibly exciting experience and we learned a lot about how someone because a published author.  Thank you Lori. Photographs from our day are in the Week in Review video.

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